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Sep 15, 202111 min read
Keith Wells and Me….The man who would not let me give up…on myself.
There were very few times that my mum was ever disappointed in me. In fact, I can tell you how many. Two. Twice in my life my mum was...
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Sep 4, 202114 min read
Knees deep in the Trap
To say we didn’t like each other the first time I met him would not be a lie but also not quite the truth. I would say it was more that...
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Aug 30, 20212 min read
Domestic Abuse: But I never beat you….
Domestic Abuse: But I never beat you…. It has taken me a long time to realise that we need to talk about domestic abuse in a raw manner....
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Aug 27, 20213 min read
Jumping Jack Frost, Ice T…..and Me
I was about 12/13 the first time I watched New Jack City. I was, for sure, way to young. I loved it. It was like watching how things were...
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Aug 24, 202110 min read
Bianca Boyce and Me- Laying Foundations.
I am in transition. If I was a website and you clicked on me, a page would come up saying “Under construction”. Or, if you want to be...
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Aug 16, 202120 min read
I left broken and returned grown. My journey home.
I went home today. My real home. SW London. More than that…I went to the flat that I grew up in. The flat where my son took his first...
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Jul 25, 202116 min read
Your Daughter is Autistic
It’s been just over a week but only now I am able to take it in and write about it. I always imagined that when it happened, I would be...
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Jul 23, 20213 min read
Our Prime Minister is a liar… Dawn Butler MP …Out of the Shadows Shero 2021
No words from me needed….Just read Dawns Epic speech below or watch the clip. Shero of 2021 The last 18 months have been a tale of the...
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Jul 21, 20213 min read
SAVE THE DATE: The first webinar!
14th September 2021 18:30-20:30 BST What happens when 3 friends get together and say, “This has to stop”? Well apart from a lot of...
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Jul 14, 20218 min read
Racists do not speak for me.
I have written…. deleted and then rewritten this blog several times. This happens when I am writing a blog and I can’t control my...
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Jul 7, 202111 min read
“Sometimes the person you are willing to take the bullet for is the one who pulls the trigger”
I read this book some days called “The language of Letting Go: Daily meditations on co-dependency”. Each page has a date, you find that...
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Jun 24, 20213 min read
The Frost Report ….The Famous 4
The 4 of us are interconnected in so many different ways that it is mad to think that this is the first time we have all been in the same...
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Jun 5, 20215 min read
Dear Children of the UK…. a letter to say I am sorry.
Dear Children of the UK, I write this letter to you as a mother and as a professional. Firstly, I would like to apologise to you for the...
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May 25, 20216 min read
…. “What if I can’t love him”?.
I think that becoming a parent, no matter what the age is, is one of the most overwhelming experiences a human can go through. People of...
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May 16, 20212 min read
Your grief is as unique as your finger print
I believe that grief is something that is unique to each and every being. It is like a fingerprint. Only you know how you feel. There may...
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May 12, 20213 min read
Blondy’s People just hit Spotify!
This time last year I started out on a journey that changed my life. That may sound far-fetched or dramatic but it’s the only way I can...
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May 3, 20218 min read
Schools have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 not to discriminate against pupils on the basis of p
Those with SEN are failed within society daily. Hourly. Now. It shocks me that people are still punished for their SEN , weather that be...
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Apr 21, 20215 min read
“You might be proud of me Mum”
My children are the best reflection of me. This week each one of my children has made me proud. One started a new job that they had to...
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Apr 15, 20216 min read
3 years today!!!! (I will except chocolate as a gift)
So, I just got a notification to say that 3 years ago today I published my first blog. 3 Years! My first blog (Which you can read here)...
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Apr 14, 20215 min read
When did we stop looking at him as a victim….Maybe after the first belly full of Heroin?
“We believe he first become involved with county lines when he was 11”. The meeting continued after that line was said but for me…for a...
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