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I have found my voice…


For some people, being part of a Podcast may not be a big deal. It may be, to some people, just something they have done.

Let me be clear… the Podcast in the link at the end of my blog today is a BIG deal to me. I have never done one before. I have been asked, but have always said no, like I do to most offers. This is because I only get involved in anything I believe can make a difference to children and young people or if it will help those working with them.

I have blogged about this podcast when I first recorded it and said how important it is for me that people want to listen to what I have to say. But you know what happened…Nina and Kate contacted me days later. They had bad news, their recording had not worked and they had lost everything. They asked me if I would be interviewd again. Now…anyone who know me will know that I have very little time to do anything. I am always at full speed and if you miss a chance to catch up with me it could be a while until that happens again. But there was no way I wanted to miss out on this…so we went again.

Yesterday they sent me the link to say it was live. I cringed at the thought of listening to myself waffle and couldn’t press play.

Oh…but when I did…it was …WICKED!!

There are 2 other people talking. A lady called Esther who is a gang’s worker in a prison> she gives an amazing insight to the way she sees things when young people reach the point of custardy due to gangs. There is a man called Sephton Henry who works for the charity Gangs line, and he talks about his experience of gangs and also his work now with the gang effected young people.

As I listen to their points of views alongside mine I was bouncing in my chair talking back with them (yes, I know they can’t hear me). They were saying all the same things I was saying. They were backing the thoughts and feelings I have been trying to get across for so long…and we have never even spoken to each other. I found it very powerful and a little overwhelming.

So, todays blog is short and sweet. I want you to go and listen to the blog on the link below. I promise you, it is something you will remember and get some fire in your belly. Two birds give me the final word at the end of the blog. If you do listen…make sure you listen to the end, because this is the start of something big and I want you all to be part of it…

Come and listen to me finding my voice… Inside Gangs Podcast

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