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#ICU2020…..the year of Big Love

ICU blog

Its that time of year again.

#ICU2020…and this is the year of Big Love.

I debated hard if this should happen again this year.  Its hard work, creating a campaign of this size and I have to be honest…. I feel exhausted. Like I have a million things to do and not enough time. Like 2020 is spinning by already and I have not even got started. Then I spoke to those around me and found that lost of people, of all ages and back grounds, they are feeling overwhelmed at times too.

That’s when I realised that #ICU 2020 must happen, because the whole ethos of #ICU is showing love and admiration to those who need it most.

So, let’s go back to basics. If your reading this and thinking “What is #ICU?” then please read on. If you are one of the thousands of people that took part in #ICU 2018 and 2019 then welcome Back!!! This year is going to be all about Big Love.

The picture attached to this blog, is a picture of me. It’s a black and white shot and I am saying “Shhhh” like I have some kind of big secret lol.

What do you see when you look at my picture?

Please, scroll back up your laptop or your phone or what ever device you are using and look at the picture again.

What do you see?

Do you see a woman who is having a laugh, taking selfies and being mysterious?

Maybe you hate selfies and you see someone who is vain and likes how they look?

Do you wonder where I am going?

Do you wonder why it is black and white?

I am on my way to see George the Poet in this picture. At the BBC studios in London.

What you don’t see in that picture is the weeklong of anxiety leading up to this very moment. The panic the hour before as the train pulled off as I felt the sudden rush of “Get me off this train” hit me.

You don’t see the darkness under my eyes where I have been up early studying and worrying about the next stage of my masters.

Do you see a mum who feels guilty about having this one night to herself, doing something she really wants to do, but also knows that she has left her daughter with her oldest son and although he is more than capable of caring for her and her needs, she needs to get out of London and back t her for the bed time story or the routine will be “wrong” and the knock on effect is just too much for everyone.

DO you see a mum who misses the son who is so far away…? Further than she would like to admit.

Do you see the front-line worker who had to take a stamen that morning from a boy who was telling her that his mum blames him for everything? That she said she wants him to g into care. She told him that she wants the others but not him. And he cried so so much.

Do you see the daughter that has no one to call mum?

Do you see the fried who feels like she keeps letting everyone down?

Do you see the women who gets up every morning to try and save a life? Change a life. Make things OK.

Do you see the human who will stand up against ANYONE who lets harm come to a child? Even if that means risking her own job.

DO you see an adult who has an inner child who is sad?

Or do you see someone who is just trying their best?

Its mad init. When I say what do you see…and then I ask you what you really see…. everything changes.

#ICU is about seeing people, really seeing people. Its about letting people know that they are important and that they count and that they are wanted.

To many children and young people feel like no one can see them…. because if people can see them…why does bad stuff keep happening?

Too many adults feel like no one can see them either…. not really…. not for what they truly achieving every single day.

This is why I am inviting you to be a part of the ‘#ICU2020’ Campaign. On the 14th February I am asking every individual, every network, every organisation to post on social media the hashtag #ICU2020 along with any individuals or issues that they are feeling are being ignored. In 2018  Junior Smart and I made the video below for #ICU not realising the impact it would have. We blew up Twitter on the 14th of Feb 2018. You can watch the video below. Please share this as much as you can so that as many people as possible know about the #ICU campaign.

You can watch the video that started it all HERE

Some examples that people have said they will post include:

  1. To the mum upstairs struggling every day to get her kids to school on her own #ICU

  2. That guy I see every night who is always swearing at his partner, calling her a dirty slut and a crap mother. Guess what, she is not! #ICU

  3. To that kid I saw crying last night because he got bullied #ICU

  4. #ICU to all the dads out there trying to provide for their kids

You can see the silent pray that was created by #ICU HERE

Valentine’s day is the day when we are supposed to show love and think about special people in our lives. Nothing can be more important than the love for those who think that others don’t care or see them.

  1. Please spread the message

  2. Please use the Hashtag

  3. Please get involved

Only together can we make a difference

So, share this, spread the word, tell everyone at work and lets male sure that #ICU 2020 reaches all those that need it.

See you all on the 14th Feb 2020….

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Follow us on Facebook HERE

Spread the word….spread the love x

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