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#ICU21 Thank you…

I’m not good at thanks you’s

Or goodbyes

Or “I love you”

I’m not good at letting you know how I am feeling.

Today….on this day….some time ago…I didn’t tell people how I was feeling at all. I took myself down a dark rabbit hole that had been brewing for many years. I felt like no one could see me, just like I had felt many times. And I guess I decided I didn’t want to be seen at all. By anyone ever again.

That day is one that changed mine and those around me for ever. I was saved in the truest sense by two people. Two family members. Who stayed by myself until…. Until I could stand alone again. Weeks …months.

You would never know now. Not unless you look deep in my eyes ..then you can just see the dark place still.

The #ICU campaign is to raise awareness to those that need and deserve to bee seen. Those that we need to say…I see you… so they don’t think that no one can.

Selfishly… its also my way of reminding myself that I am still alive.

We can all make change. Imagine if ever person reading this created a day of positive messages. And thousands of people took part. Wouldn’t that be something.

What do you mean you can’t? I did. And who am I?

Anyway…look at me getting away from the thank you part…I told you I am rubbish.

Below is my thank you to all those that took part in #ICU21. I’m sorry I could not fit everyone in…all the videos…the messages…. man, did you see Twitter!

The backing track is by the one and only Leon Helsby, who changed the flavour this year.

I’m not good at thanks you’s…or I loves you’s….

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