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#shemakesme silent prayer 2019

#shemakeme realise that it is possible to achieve what you want no matter what is thrown your way. That resilience is a difficult, but a vital thing to master. That even though things are shit, if you put your head down and plough on something, no matter how little, will give.

@JeanHatchet #shemakesme want to fight #maleviolence with other women in #sisterhood & believe in women’s strength, kindness & ability to care even when facing so much hate & pain. Inspiring us to #RideForMurderedWomen even tho she was grieving

@Areformedman My Kelly #Shemakesme happy

#Shemakesme so glad I had another one!! Becca Tate!

@KatiexMcGlynn for pushing for this ending. Young mums sadly die everyday. It’s heartbreaking #SheMakesMe remember them

@esca_jan I manage a team of amazing women who inspire, support and care for each other and the people they serve every day! #shemakesme

@STagainstDV for #Shemakesme we are going to start at the top with our CEO @nicolejacobsST #Shemakesme /us Proud to work in the sector for a feminist charity with a feminist lead!

#shemakesme stop and think, be grateful for the positives in my life and know we are saving kids every day

A big shout out to @Outofthe_Shadow today for an amazing twitter campaign. #SheMakesMe inspired with her journey & her message. Also to @MrsHannahBlake#SheMakesMe proud to watch her juggling being a wonderful mum & an inspirational teacher. Ladies you make me proud!

@NomadWarMachine I am late to #SheMakesMe but want to shout out to @Mizmog @hear_woman  for being funny, loyal women

@WomanchesterMMN Our evening one is @K_IngalaSmith#SheMakesMe determined to fight male violence, no matter what gets chucked at us… and we love her northern accent!  #womensupportingwomen #sisterhood

#SheMakesMe have the courage to carry on writing @kathrynesme: an excellent, brave woman who I’m super glad to have met!

Women who support me everyday, who make me laugh, educate and guide me #shemakesme

#SheMakesMe well…we did it again. We blew up Twitter with nothing but love. Not sure what to say, a little overwhelmed to be honest. I will end as I started.. #SheMakesMe a better person , #shemakesme check myself #shemakesme prouder than she will ever know, my daughter x

My #shemakesme is for my firstborn daughter, for pulling me away from a life lived less, and showing me that I could fight to achieve better. Two more babies later and I’ve broken away from the darkness and I’m stronger every day.

@Jessicae13Eaton #SheMakesMe know that a kid from a council estate ingrained with shame from abuse in a society that tells her she’s scum – can. That kid can reach and grow and change the world. And she can put the shame at the feet of those who deserved it.

To all prisoners wives/families out there trying your best to keep it all together despite societal stigma, the isolation, the long haul, the bloody ‘system’ and much more. #shemakesme

@monaeltahawy Is a Badass woman who stands  up for women full force no fear

That’s why she should be part of the #shemakesme

#SheMakesMe feel armed when standing against male violence. @bindelj helps to give me a voice.

#SheMakesMe my best friend who knows the good, the bad and the ugly about me (as well as all those hidden closet secrets) and loves me for all of them

#SheMakesMe feel I can take on the world & make changes  @jessphillips

My girls who are always there for me and who are frankly some of the strongest women I know #shemakesme xxxx

#SheMakesMe appreciate the women we have near us – fierce, caring, intelligent @NeallM @elletorrito @JudeNotTheFK @lorabetani @REIGNManchester @BeckaInTheSky

@DebbieSales2 The amazing women who rock up to my zumba and Fitsteps classes every week for the last 5 years  and give it everything they ‘ve got no matter their age shape or size. They make me proud and inspire me to carry on #SheMakesMe

@RadFemAlliance Our next #shemakesme are the women behind @Womans_Place_UK – #SheMakesMe see that a campaign by women, for women, can be successful, principled, political and focussed, while lifting other women up!


While women weep, as they do now, I’ll fight While little children go hungry, as they do now, I’ll fight While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight While there is a drunkard left, While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, While there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight-I’ll fight to the very end!

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