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The silent prayer #ICU


4 days to go….. #ICU

There are 4 days to go until #ICU 2019 and I am counting on everyone reading this, everyone I have emailed, everyone who has told the person at work about it…all of you…to make this the success it was last year.

#ICU started because I wanted people to show love and respect to EVERYONE who deserved it. Even if you don’t know the persons names. Even if you have never met the person. If you know someone who deserves to a big shout out on the 14th of Feb, then this is the place to do it.

So todays blog is not about me telling you why you should take part in #ICU. Todays blog is your chance to read a part of the silent prayer from last year. And then…on the 14.2.19….Well….. I hope to hear you use your voice:

The silent prayer #ICU 2018

We have a great care system in the UK. Some children struggle in care due to, trauma experience, separation of family or can not deal with the structure. These children need our love and affection more than most. They can kick, scream and say bad words but ‘you know what? #ICU

“To any and all children that offend in @Child_Leeds, we will help you restore any harm caused and ensure you are able to contribute to your community in a constructive way. We are one city and we don’t exclude, we use Restorative Solutions. #ICU”-

“To young people who are excluded from school and made to spend even more time in your volatile home, when your behaviour was just your way of letting them know it’s scary there… #ICU

“To all the families are grieving because they have lost someone through knife crime or gangs #ICU

“Joining the campaign today , to all those children struggling to speak out about their worries #ICU , to all victims of abuse and violence feeling alone #ICU , to all parents struggling to cope #ICU , to all professionals doing a great job #ICU

“To the millions of fantastic young people out there who quietly go about their lives and are a credit to their generation ….. #ICU.

“To all our followers please support the inspired #ICU campaign – jump on the hashtag to shine a light on overlooked issues in our society

“To everyone that besides being abused, bullied and rejected and still has the heart to do good and help, there’s not enough people like you in the world, you are a light in the middle of darkness! #ICU

“To all those young people out there who feel like their voices don’t count, everyone’s voice matters #ICU”-

“To all the children and young people who will wake up this morning, fearful of what the day may bring #ICU”-

“The majority of young people both male and female who continually have their thoughts and feelings completely disregarded. Too often we are harshly bullied out of sharing perspectives being told we are too politically correct or ‘droning on’ about feminism ‘ruining the fun’ #ICU

“We know Childhood Sexual Abuse is happening in every Town and City and I speak out now as #ICU #StrongerTogether

“To any child waking up today feeling alone or afraid, #ICU …please talk to someone, anyone, and remember you are not alone @EvolveEssex

“To all the children who have a parent in prison #ICU To all the parents with a child locked up #ICU To all those people in cells with dementia #ICU To all who are disproportionally represented within the system #ICU And to all who begin an unfair sentence (NGBA) #ICU

“Victims, survivors, thrivers of child sexual abuse & exploitation #ICU

“To all the people huddled in the cold with nowhere to go #ICU

“Can I please ask everyone to read and share #ICU Campaign 

“To all the people fighting their own private battle today #ICU

“To the amazing people I just delivered training to in Dartford…all working towards the same outcome…safe children and young people #ICU

“To every women who is no longer sees herself as a victim but as a survivor #ICU

“To all the men and boys who have suffered sexual assault or rape you are not alone #ICU” –

“You can run but you can’t hide – we are standing together to fight exploitation on every level #ICU

“To the people who don’t want to admit something’s wrong #ICU

“To those young people who don’t feel heard. I’m going to work my hardest to get everyone to listen #ICU

“To children of broken homes #ICU

“Brave Survivor… #ICU

“To the brave man who turned his life around…left a gang…became a proud protector. #ICU”.

“I see you and you and you and you – and so do all of us fighting CSE #ICU

“To all those who quietly suffer, and those who live their compassion alongside them. #ICU

“On the 14th Feb I want every individual, every network, every organisation to post on social media (Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc) with the hashtag #ICU along with any individual or issues that you feel are being ignored”.

“If you see #ICU being shared today…share it here for us all to see “

“To that woman still being told she is not good enough #ICU

“To all the kids out there, thinking they have no future and just need a helping hand to continue their studies.. You are not forgotten. You are not invisible! #ICU

 “To all the women living with being put down, humiliated, coerced and controlled, #ICU

“For the amazing person who has just brought me a meal and supported me throughout all of my chemo… #ICU

“Grenfell victims + survivors. Young ppl on 23 hour lockdown in prisons. Autistic students who can’t access uni. Kids with ADHD excluded #ICU

“You’re an encouragement to everyone I have so much respect for you after today #ICU

“To those who feel alone and there isn’t a way out…there is #ICU

“To all of those who feel alone #ICU

“To all those struggling, and voices aren’t being heard #ICU

“To the older people on their own through bereavement and feeling alone. #ICU

“To everyone that sees for hope for the world, you are not alone #ICU

“For all the young people who feel alone and unloved and continue to smile #ICU

“To everyone that struggles by thinking outside the box and seeing the reality the media and world don’t want society to see, you are a hero #ICU

“It has been really humbling to read all the support for @Outofthe_Shadow #ICU campaign today!! I hope the level of support is recognised by our children and young people and they see that we really do see them and all their potential”

“Councils must be held to account over the child abuse failing – and so must all of those ignoring those a victim of or surviving CSE #ICU

“For all the young people that feel lost and alone but keep smiling #ICU

“To those I work with, who care and support so many vulnerable people, in particular the lovely lady who gave each one of us chocs today #ICU

“To all those who are trying to make a difference #ICU

“This is great campaign led by an amazing advocate for young people. #ICU

“To the survivors waiting hopefully for justice to be served… #ICU

To all the people on the frontline doing the best they can with the resources they have to reduce violence against girls #ICU

“To the people hiding behind their smiles day to day #ICU

“I am really excited about the support I’ve received regarding my #ICU campaign. This is a massive invitation to be part of something that raises attention to those who are ignored. Just a reminder to of what I am asking you all to do” …

“To all the fools who dream #ICU

“To all those struggling and voices aren’t being heard #ICU”-

“To the older people on their own through bereavement and feeling alone. #ICU

“To everyone that sees for hope for the world, you are not alone #ICU

“To everyone that is scared to speak the truth on fear of being judged and rejected #ICU” –

“For all the young people who feel alone and unloved and continue to smile #ICU

“To people in need but cannot get help.#ICU

“To everyone that struggles by thinking outside the box and seeing the reality the media and world don’t want society to see, you are a hero #ICU

“It has been really humbling to read all the support for @Outofthe_Shadow #ICU campaign today!! I hope the level of support is recognised by our children and young people and they see that we really do see them and all their potential”

“Councils must be held to account over the child abuse failing – and so must all of those ignoring those a victim of or surviving CSE #ICU respect @sammywoodhouse1 keep fighting”

“For all the young people that feel lost and alone but keep smiling #ICU

 “To those I work with, who care and support so many vulnerable people, in particular the lovely lady who gave each one of us chocs today #ICU

“To all those who are trying to make a difference #ICU

“To the survivors waiting hopefully for justice to be served… #ICU

“To all the people on the frontline doing the best they can with the resources they have to reduce violence against girls #ICU

“To the people hiding behind their smiles day to day #ICU

“We have a few hours left. #ICU ends at midnight….so…let me hear you all ROAR!!!!”

“To all the children and young people struggling with mental health with the added pressure of trying to ‘fit in’ #ICU

“To all the individuals and organisations that have almost brought me to tears on the train this morning with your support. And it’s not even 10am! #ICU

All brave Survivors… #ICU

“To all the amazing young people struggling today, wondering what real love feels like #ICU

“To the vast majority of young people who feel their hard work, right choices, respect and dedication goes largely unrecognized ….. #ICU

“Proud of you… #ICU

“To all the young women and men out there who don’t yet believe they have potential #ICU

@PathwayUK For those who are so vulnerable and in need of housing as well as their palliative care #ICU share our campaign”

“To all those who have been treated like they aren’t the experts of their own lives and their own change and not been trusted to know their own best way forward #ICU”-

“You have done a good thing here… #ICU

“To the young boy who I just paid his train fair home….be good…and..#ICU

“To all the campaigners working tirelessly to make change for others #ICU” –

“To every adult who told me as a child that I was bad and I would never do anything positive with my  life #ICU

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